Friday, October 10, 2008

Bad Religion or Good Faith!

Sometimes religion is bad,
when traditions become more important than people,
and widows, orphans and elderly folk are ignored,
when prayer replaces justice,
and evangelism becomes more important than worship,
when otherwise godly people expect politicians to solve all their problems,

and winning becomes more important than playing by the rules,
when money is thought more valuable than food,
and we decide to fight others for faith and freedom,
when we get used to the presence of sin in our lives,
and others are blamed for our faults,
when you and I give up and leave it all to God.

Something tells me the Holy One doesn't like bad religion.

So... in good faith, let us
Vote, if and when we can,
Don't Stop Praying!
Work out our Salvation with fear and trembling...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Personal Politics

I'm reflecting on today's sermon and thinking about the personal and political implications of my faith.

In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus says, 'Come to Me, ALL who are weary and burdened, and I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am gentle and humble, and you'll find refreshment for your soul'

How do we receive this gift that he offers?
Amid war and rumors of war, illness, financial crisis, persecution, discrimination and death, amid the perils of normality, where and how does one find true peace?

The preacher, a man from Bangladesh, talked about the Way.
There was a lot more, but this was the essence of his message, a loud echo of the words of Jesus:
Love by Example by Prayer and by Witnessing

Are you tired, in despair, hurt or angry? Love anyway. Set the example anyway. Pray anyway. Witness anyway. Whatever the cost may be, Jesus will make it worth your while.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ridicule or Encouragement?

It seems to have become acceptable, even fashionable, in Canada, to passively indulge in observing insults to the Christian faith. This is happening even while false charges are made in India resulting in the deaths of innocents, while churches are torn down in China, while women are raped in Darfur, while, in several countries, girls are disfigured with acid for wanting freedom to make decisions for themselves, and while in many parts of the world becoming Christian is punishable by death. Religious belief is mocked, despised and denigrated.

Do the sounds and images of 'Religulous', coming soon to your children's eyes and ears, reflect or mock your values? Are the American values, right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which seem to have been accepted without question by many Canadians, truly inalienable? Liberty in Christ does not permit us to allow slander as a norm. It's true that sometimes we must turn the other cheek, but there are other times we must stand up for our beliefs.

We don't easily give authority to people not from our neighbourhood.
Wasn't Jesus 'from away'?... Didn't He say, 'Fear God, not men'. Let's not be so quick to allow outsiders to mock our faith. But, we say in the name of tolerance, "It's OK, as long as they don't try to take over!" Wait a minute! Hasn't it already happened? Deep down we have to admit we are the unofficial 51st State; the only thing we lack is the right to vote in their elections.

What of the various Human Rights Commissions to which we might appeal? Haven't they already said that freedom of speech is not a Canadian value? Perhaps our government will restore civil order by abolishing these HRCs before it's too late. It would be a foolish waste of time, money and talent for anyone to lodge any further complaints with these unelected tribunals.

Remember there will, One Day, be a Divine Rights Commission to investigate and remedy Human Responsibility Omissions!

Someone has said that knowledge without justice is nothing but wiliness. Likewise, religion removed from God is nothing but politics.

Scripture calls a God-fearing society to maintain justice, to act with mercy, to walk in humility and to practice loving-kindness. This command, for both communities and their individual constituents, is not optional. Disobedience brings consequences.

Once upon a time the Americans did something right. They acted to protect Bald and Golden eagles by making it illegal to kill them or molest their nests.

Now, it's self-evident that eagles will not thrive enclosed by wire mesh. That's not protection. Yet, we have an even more pernicious delusion. We've become more like eagles led astray and hood-winked into believing in a false captivity, not even knowing that they once enjoyed the freedom of soaring in the open skies.

Are you free to live out your faith? Are you free to speak in your own church? Are you free to ask for prayer? Are you free to sing before others in praise of what God is doing in your life? Are you free to tell others what Jesus means to you? Are you free to simply serve Him? This is much more than mere religion.

For God's sake, let's laugh at ourselves and not take everything so seriously, but vicious mockery, masquerading as humour, cannot be ignored. It's true: Religulousity is ridiculous. Stand up. Don't see the movie. If you do go, stand up anyway. Tell me how it challenged you.

Quaecumque sunt vera; if what is written is true, think on these things. Let's turn away from idols. Let's return to the Lord and let Him renew our strength and we shall rise as eagles and finally see the big picture. That's a promise.

photo from