- found in Jesus the Nazarene, the One who calls Himself the Way, the Truth and the Life - as we use our whole heart, soul, mind and strength in His service.
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Plato on knowledge, justice and wisdom
What follows was inspired by reflection on some words found in a sermon, 'On idolls and Images', given by Roger Edgeworth, circa 1540.
Science remoued from iustice is rather to be called wylynes then science -(sic) -
A translation of - 'sciencia, que est remota a iustitia calliditas potius quam cientia est appellanda'. This phrase was written by Plato and is quoted in context by Cicero.
'Praeclarum igitur illud Platonis: "Non," inquit, "solum scientia, quae est remota ab iustitia calliditas potius quam sapientia est appellanda, verum etiam animus paratus ad periculum, si sua cupiditate, non utilitate communi impellitur, audaciae potius nomen habeat, quam fortitudinis." Itaque viros fortes et magnanimos eosdem bonos et simplices, veritatis amicos minimeque fallaces esse volumus; quae sunt ex media laude iustitiae.'
A good translation follows:
This, then, is a fine saying of Plato's: "Not only must all knowledge that is divorced from justice be called cunning rather than wisdom," he says, "but even the courage that is prompt to face danger, if it is inspired not by public spirit, but by its own selfish purposes, should have the name of effrontery rather than of courage." And so we demand that men who are courageous and high-souled shall at the same time be good and straightforward, lovers of truth, and foes to deception; for these qualities are the centre and soul of justice.
Remarquable est donc de Platon: "Non," dit-il, «seulement la science, qui est divorcé de la justice doit être appelé la ruse plutôt que la sagesse, mais aussi la volonté de danger, et si son désir, non pas pour le bien public est entraîné, le nom peut avoir une audace plutôt dans le visage, que de courage . "Les hommes magnanimes et vaillant, et ceux de la bonne, par conséquent, la simple vérité d'amour à la tromperie et ce sont des louanges milieu de la justice. - Google translation
Notable es, pues, de Platón: "No," dijo él, "sólo la ciencia, que está divorciada de la justicia se llama astucia en lugar de sabiduría, pero también la voluntad de peligro, y si es su deseo, no al bienestar público es conducido, el nombre puede tener un atrevido y no en la cara, que de la fortaleza . "Hombres magnánimo y valiente, y las de los buenos, por lo tanto, la simple, amante de la verdad al engaño y estos son de la alabanza medio de la justicia. - Google translation
Science without justice is but cunning or craftiness ...
Or to give a modern interpretation...
Science divorced from truth is rather to be called politics...
la justicia,
la sagesse,
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Fight the Good Fight
'The Real Fight: Classical Liberalism vs. Authoritarian Progressivism
Christian liberals ... interpret recent political history differently from “radicals.” ... “liberalism appears to be daily more hostile” to Christianity and suggests that the anti-Christian turn of modern governments is the fault of liberalism. Anti-Christian hostility (is) on the rise in modern governments, but (one cannot properly) describe these governments as “liberal.”
(In effect,) Western states have been dominated by illiberal government since the first half of the twentieth century. What threatens Christianity today are governments inspired by authoritarian progressivism.' taken from http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2014/05/13122/
Our cultural 'thought police' despise the very concept of absolute truth and seek to prevent genuine evangelistic efforts.
May God answer the prayers of all who have asked Him for good governments that truly and impartially administer justice, to the maintenance of true religion and virtue.
Keep on praying and praising Jesus. Follow Him.
Christian liberals ... interpret recent political history differently from “radicals.” ... “liberalism appears to be daily more hostile” to Christianity and suggests that the anti-Christian turn of modern governments is the fault of liberalism. Anti-Christian hostility (is) on the rise in modern governments, but (one cannot properly) describe these governments as “liberal.”
(In effect,) Western states have been dominated by illiberal government since the first half of the twentieth century. What threatens Christianity today are governments inspired by authoritarian progressivism.' taken from http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2014/05/13122/
Our cultural 'thought police' despise the very concept of absolute truth and seek to prevent genuine evangelistic efforts.
May God answer the prayers of all who have asked Him for good governments that truly and impartially administer justice, to the maintenance of true religion and virtue.
Keep on praying and praising Jesus. Follow Him.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
A Warning!
He warned against the formalization of sin by codifying it in the laws of a country; "This is a very dangerous apocalyptic symptom, and we must do everything in our powers to ensure that sin is never sanctioned ...
To understand his comments read further at the following link: http://www.virtueonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=18565#.UvL1tdqYbX4
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